I don’t do a great job at keeping track of things that I would like for myself. You know, not everyday necessities—treats. Things that are splurges, or are special. I don’t have a “wish list,” so to speak. This is fine for the majority of the year, but it makes things difficult sometimes: Mainly around my birthday and Christmas. Because that’s when I get the inevitable question, “What do you want…?”

And I never know how to answer.

Thankfully the people in my life are usually pretty good at shopping and give me things that I enjoy or love, and I’m really grateful for that. I know I don’t make it easy on them.

On the flip side, I’m also not very good at keeping track of things OTHER people want. I’ll get ideas randomly but don’t write them down, so by the time I’m ready to give a gift, I can’t remember what it was that I thought of in the first place.

Typically, we do all of our Christmas shopping in the month of December. But this year, we wanted to do things differently. We started thinking very seriously about Christmas gifts starting in October, and have been collecting things along the way ever since. It’s smart because we have the time to really think it through and come up with GOOD things, not just picking stuff up to give for the sake of giving. Of course, some people are harder to buy for than others.

What are the things on your Christmas wish list this year? I’m talking big things, small things—and everything in between. And are there any gifts that you are particularly excited to give this year? What are they, and who are they for?

Or are you staring at the screen right now thinking, IS SHE SERIOUSLY TALKING ABOUT CHRISTMAS ALREADY? If this is you, I get it. This was me last year, and every year before. But ya know… Christmas is only 40 days away! I’m just saying. :)


6 Responses to Giving & Receiving

  1. Gia says:

    On my list this year…several new books and a 50mm lens for my camera, lol.

    I am usually almost done shopping by now, but just couldn’t get it done this year. Plus, a few people have be seriously stumped (AKA, all the Leos in my life!)

  2. Beth says:

    I’m done shopping…well except for stocking stuffers….I always listen for hints as to what people want and do a great job at getting it for them but as for me….forget about it…lol…I always say ” I don’t know or nothing” when asked what I want….I love giving and seeing the faces lit with surprise…I pick up things I want all year through for me so Christmas is for me to give to others….Happy Holidays…

  3. Anna in Ohio says:

    With a large family, I try to make thoughtful gifts so that I can keep costs down. This year, I’m crocheting sets of dishcloths for each family and making scrabble tile name ornaments for each person. While the money is reigned in, I sometimes greatly overestimate my own abilities and time constraints, so we’ll see how all this goes this year! LOL

  4. Mom says:

    Heather, this time the apple really did not fall far from the tree. You wrote my exact thoughts! Love you, your momma.

  5. Tara says:

    This is our first Christmas at home in 4years & Kira’s first Christmas at home with family EVER; so we are super excited! We’re taking a more creative route this year on the gift giving. Letting Kira get in on some of the glitter-paint-glue (etc) action and making some gifts (specifically ones I found on Pinterest lol).

    As for me, I NEVER have a clue! I just never take note of things I want or would like. Dominic has asked me to make a better effort but it never is at the top of my list. & this year I’ve been so distracted with the move, Kira & the new baby coming that I just haven’t even tried! Thankfully Dominic & our families are very good and always get me something I love & enjoy. I’m leaning more towards a gift card I can use to get more books on my kindle, a mommy charm jewelery piece & maybe a gift card so I can get post-preggo clothes :p

    Good Luck!!

  6. Alicia says:

    My birthday is tomorrow, and my poor husband still has no idea what to get me. Because I have no idea what I want. The few things I KNOW that I want are WAY out of budget, so I keep them to myself! As far as Christmas goes, I’ve started the shopping for my daughter. I have a good idea about what hubby man is getting.

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