Remember those changes I hinted at a few weeks back?

Well, in some miraculous turn of events, things are seemingly falling into place perfectly for us. I don’t know if I have ever believed in the “what is meant to be will be” cliche more than I do right now. I feel like I was led in this direction, and therefore, decisions that might normally be difficult have been very easy.

I quit my job today.

Yesterday, I received a job offer from another company, and I am pretty excited about it. I will be making the transition over the next few weeks.

Without going into too many details, this was one of those things that kind of fell into my lap to begin with. I was approached about the open position; I did not seek it out. I agreed to go through the interview process with the mindset that things would happen as they should, and I wasn’t going to stress about it.

I didn’t spend a lot of time preparing for the interviews; I went in each time and just talked. (And um, it was a total of FIVE interviews. Yes, FIVE. These people are thorough!) Really, I chatted. It was casual. I had the normal amount of butterflies at the idea of making a life change, but overall, I was not worried. I knew that things would happen as they should.

When I received the call letting me know that they had filled the position, I was not upset. I was told that I had been the other finalist, and that it had been a tough decision to choose between myself and this other person. I thanked them for the opportunity and moved on, knowing that things had happened as they should.

Last week, out of nowhere, I received an e-mail that changed everything. I was told that the person who had been offered and accepted the position had suddenly backed out, and that the job was back on the table. I was told that I was at the top of the list, and that I needed to go in to meet with the CEO one more time just to make sure that this was going to be right–for them and for me. When I met with him, we were talking about the situation and how I had somehow ended up back in the running, and he actually said to me, “I guess it was fate.” And I nodded knowingly, because I always believed that things would happen as they should.

I’m anxious because big life changes almost always make me anxious. But I feel so good and so sure about this that it’s hard to be anything but excited. I’m sad to leave my current position, as there is much that I will miss about it. But I go knowing that I was a valued employee, and that I am moving forward into a new position that is a good move for us.

And tonight I sit in awe at life and how sometimes, it all works out. At how things happen the way they should.


10 Responses to Officially Official

  1. Krystie says:

    how awesome Heather! :)enjoy the new job!

  2. Julibean says:

    Congrats! Oh and btw, I’ve been to Key West and taken that drive down the highway about 5 times by now. I know great things to do, places to go, and foods to be sure to eat. So if you have any questions please hit me up. You can find me at

  3. Anonymous says:

    Congratulations on an exciting new opportunity!

    ~Kristen M.

  4. Shauna says:

    What an exciting announcement =) Congrats Heather!

  5. Congrats on the new job! Sounds exciting :) It’s my first day today too, haha, but I’m only starting a part time tutoring job

  6. Vanessa says:

    How wonderful! I am so pleased for you! A not dissimilar thing happened to me re. jobs a few weeks ago. I haven’t blogged for identity reasons. How clever you are to say so much whilst saying so little. Thrilled for you and Michael!

  7. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How exciting for you–I hope it turns out amazingly! Given how much competition there is in the job market now, you must be incredibly good at what you do.

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