Cristina had just celebrated her 11th birthday when I started dating her big brother. Now?

Well, now, she’s a high school graduate. She’ll be heading off to college in August.

Excuse me while I go apply wrinkle cream and join AARP.

I kid, I kid. But it does make me feel old. I sat at her graduation ceremony and thought, “Holy crap, these kids look like 8th graders.” And then I asked myself, quite a few times, “What the hell is that kid wearing?! How is that appropriate for a graduation?”

See? OLD.

Did I mention that she was valedictorian? Out of approximately 400 kids in her class, she had the best GPA. So, um, yeah. We’re just a little bit proud of her, you see.

And I’m a wee bit scared of her, too.

But it’s all good, folks. She’s heading off to pharmacy school. In about six years time, she’ll be able to hock us all kinds of prescription meds. Now there’s someone you want to have in the family.

OK, I’m kidding again. Sort of.

But back to being serious.

I have enjoyed watching Cristina grow up. I may not have been there from the very beginning, but I’m proud to have been there for the real formative years. She’s transformed from the cute kid to the snotty middle-schooler to the moody teenager. (Thankfully, none of that snot or mood was ever really directed at me! It was reserved for her parents, ha!)

Now, she is officially a young woman! I can’t wait to see who she becomes next. (And the drugs. I look forward to the drugs.)

I was honored to be asked to help Cristina out with her graduation speech, and she did a great job with it–both writing and delivering it. Watching her up there, I’m not going to lie: I teared up a little. Mostly, it was pride. But I was also a little bit jealous of these kids.

It was an awesome feeling, graduating from high school, knowing the possibilities were endless and you had your whole life ahead of you. Not only your whole life, but YOUR COLLEGE YEARS. Hellooo! We’re talking the best years of one’s life! I miss those days, and probably always will.

At least I now have someone to live through vicariously, right?

I was able to get all these photos (and more) of her up on stage, even though our seats were less than ideal, thanks to the telephoto lens that we borrowed.

Speaking of which, I have to give a big WTF to her high school… if a kid goes through all the trouble of being awesome for four years and is named valedictorian, don’t you think her family should get reserved seating to witness this blessed event?!

Yeah, me too. *shakes fist at the damn high school*

We have just two months left with her so close to home. She’s only going to college about an hour away, but it definitely won’t be the same! We still have her graduation PARTY to look forward to, though.

Congratulations, Cristina. We’re so proud of you. And we wish you the brightest future possible.



6 Responses to Pomp and Circumstance

  1. Semjenole says:

    I know what you mean about feeling “old” at a high school graduation. My younger sister graduated high school EXACTLY 10 years to the day after I did: May22, 2009 & May 22, 1999. Talk about weird.

    Also, I feel you on the clothes/attire issue. I swear, most of the shoes I saw came from “strippers are us”. I don’t recall 4 inch stilettos being popular high school attire when I graduated.

    BTW…I have been a follower for a while…I find your blog very real and refreshing compared to others I have seen!

  2. Vanessa says:

    Seriously, I feel old too. And how I miss college. The best years, and they can never be got back… so sad! :)

  3. Vanessa says:

    Seriously, I feel old too. And how I miss college. The best years, and they can never be got back… so sad! :)

  4. Crystal (mrsjanks) says:

    About the clothes comment… I say that about my 7th graders on a daily basis! Congrats to your SIL- and good luck to her with pharm school. WAY too much chem for me!

  5. Becky says:

    I hear you!!! DH’s younger sister was 11 when I met him too and now just finished her freshman year in college! CRAZY!

  6. Jen says:

    My sister just graduated on June 17th, and I completely understand feeling old. I too was looking at the outfits and thinking many of them were inappropriate. And it boggled my mind to think that she’s going to college. To me, she’s still my little 12 year old sister and I still feel like I just graduated high school! Now she’s 18 and all grown up. Whaaaat? lol

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