Can I get a “woot woot” for third tri?

As quickly as this pregnancy seems to have gone so far, I also feel like I have already been pregnant FOR-EV-ER. I mean, when you think about it—Thanksgiving was a long-ass time ago. So much has happened since then. And I’ve been pregnant the whole time. THE WHOLE TIME! (Random, but I’m channeling Sally Field at the end of Mrs. Doubtfire there. Annnd I’m sure no one knows what the heck I’m talking about, so nevermind.)

I’ve been getting a lot of comments on my belly this past week or two. A lot of “You REALLY look pregnant now” remarks at work. And dude… I do. Earlier this week I was swearing up and down that I’m the same size now that I was when I was nine months pregnant with Nora. I just feel huge. But then I looked back at photos, and um, no. I look like I’m roughly the same size now as I was at this stage of pregnancy with Nora. And looking at full-term pics of my first pregnancy, I now see that unfortunately for me, I still have a lot of growing left to do. It’s amazing how quickly you forget these things. :)

27 Weeks Pregnant

Side note: I had my hair cut this week. She chopped off several inches and now it feels so much lighter and healthier for summer. Ahhhhhh.

We’ve had really beautiful weather here the last 10-14 days, and as a result, I was able to wear a lot of my old maternity clothes from my pregnancy with Nora. It felt really nice to bust out some “new” stuff, especially SKIRTS! They’re so much more comfortable than my everyday work pants. Oh, and all that stuff I ordered last week? Yeah, pretty much every piece of it needs to go back—or at least be exchanged for a different size. SO.ANNOYING. I wish stores like Old Navy and Gap would carry more maternity stuff in store, because this online ordering stuff is a pain.

I have to go into the lab tomorrow morning for my glucose test. No big deal, aside from the fact that I have to drink that super sweet stuff. Normally I wouldn’t be that worried about it (hey, I got through it OK the first time!) but ever since I was in the hospital for my appendix, I haven’t even really been able to stomach 100% juice, let alone this high-fructose-filled crap. Juice just tastes overly sweet right now… and I blame the “clears” diet I was on for a few days while in the hospital. Blech.

I’ve started to try to pull together a list of things we need for the baby. Not a lot, obviously, since we have so much we can reuse from Nora, but there are some things we want to buy new (crib sheets, bottles, pacifiers, etc.) and some things that we need (a second baby monitor camera). We’re making good progress on the kids’/guest bathroom—hoping to wrap it up this weekend, in fact—so starting next week, I really need to start wrapping my head around plans for the nursery. I still have no idea what we’re going to do in there. I suppose I should start by finding some bedding. With Nora, my mom and I made it all, but this time, instead of reusing it or making something new, I kind of just want to find something affordable and buy it. Easy peasy. But cute gender-neutral bedding has been a little rough to come by. I’m on the hunt!


4 Responses to 27 Weeks: Third Trimester

  1. Laura says:

    Totally got your Mrs. Doubtfire reference. :) Congrats on making it to third tri!

  2. Tara says:

    Congrats on making it to the third trimester!!

    With Kira we did gender neutral; went with a Winnie the Pooh theme and painted the room a mint green color. This way we could add either girly or boyish accents later once we found out what we were having; ended up using purple accents with Kira.

  3. Alika says:

    I totally got your Mrs Doubtfire reference :)

  4. Britton says:

    I got the Mrs. Doubtfire reference, too. :)

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