That’s right… IT’S A BOY!

Sean Sebastian
May 16, 2016
1:47 p.m.
6 lbs., 15 oz.
20 inches long

We were really shocked when a boy popped out. We obviously knew it could be a boy, but I guess both of us figured we’d probably end up with three girls. The first day or two was really surreal, I kept finding myself having to really think about referring to him as “him” and “he.” So bizarre. And changing boy diapers has been quite the adjustment! We’re so happy that we have been given the opportunity to parent a boy now—we get to experience both sides! :)

Since he’s my third (and last) baby, I’m really finding myself soaking it all in. I want him to stay this small forever. Even if he is eating every 1.5-2 hours these days. (Ouch.)

The girls are obsessed with him. Nora asks to hold him multiple times a day and you can tell from the look on her face that the baby snuggles warm her heart just as much as they do mine. She also visibly fights back to the urge to squeeze him as hard as she can, and who can’t relate to that?? :) “You’re the best brudder in the world,” she coos.

“I was surprised we had a boy,” Nora admitted to me the other night. “I thought we would have a girl.”
“I know, but it’s fun to have a brother, isn’t it?” I asked.
“Yes, it’s so fun to have a brudder,” she said as she squeezed him. “Because they’re so cutie. And they get to wear cute clothes!”

You know when you have conversations like that with your kids, and you think to yourself, “Damn, I wish I could’ve gotten that on video.” You may even try to recreate parts of it so that you can, in a way. Well, as luck would have it, I was actually recording her when she said all of that. She thought I was only taking photos, not video, so she was her complete natural self. It’s now a priceless clip to me. I’ve watched it a couple dozen times already, it’s so stinking cute.

Vivienne is constantly saying, “I hold it” referring to the baby. She loves to hold him and pet him and bring him his pacifiers and other things. When he cries, she says “buddy bear” and runs off to bring him a stuffed animal. This morning, she evidently forgot his name for a moment because she pointed to the baby and said, “Name.” I told her, “Sean.” She hilariously answered, “Sean. Riiight!”

We are adjusting to being a family of five. It’s been fine so far, honestly, but I know that the real test won’t come until I go back to work at the end of the summer. I imagine that’s when life will get crazy. So I’ll enjoy this honeymoon period as long as possible, thankyouverymuch.

Welcome to the world, Sean. Thanks for joining our family. We’re calling it—we’re officially complete!


10 Responses to Introducing Our Son

  1. Meg says:

    CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!! Welcome Sean!

  2. Maria says:

    Congratulations from Greece !!!! I am reading your post for some years now! I have two little girls at about the same age. All the best!!

  3. Ashley says:

    He is absolutely adorable! Congrats! Boys are a handful of activity, dirt, and noise, but man they can love you something fierce! I have 2( 7 and 3) and I wouldn’t change it for the world!

  4. Congratulations! I had a very strong feeling this baby would be a boy. He’s precious and I love his name. Raising a boy is definitely different than a girl (I have one of each) but not in a bad way. Boys play differently and find other ways to make your heart leap into your throat that your girls haven’t covered. :) Enjoy it and congratulations again!

  5. Elizabeth says:

    Congrats! I loved reading what Nora and Vivienne say about him, too cute! You have beautiful kiddos and a beautiful family!

  6. Shreya says:

    Hi Heather,

    I wanted to talk to you about your commitment to the blog. You have been “slacking” lately posting things and I really think that you should post more about Sean and your family life lately. I mean, I love hearing about you and your family. Please try to post more about your life and new baby (who is super cute). Us, your followers, love to hear about how things are going. And it isn’t like you have been working lately! There are so many new stories that you could cover on your blog right now. Like Sean’s first week, how you are adapting to new third-child life, the nursery reveal, and so much more.

    I really enjoy reading your blog and hope that you will continue to post more often, as it would make your followers proud. I wish that you take my advice in your upcoming weeks. I would greatly appreciate that. Thank you and I pray for your flourishing family, Heather.


  7. Pamela says:

    How awesome Heather! Congratulations! A sweet baby boy :) your little family is intact officially complete.

  8. Cheryl says:

    Congrats!! I love everything about this post :) so glad Vivienne and Nora are enjoying their new baby brother!! So cute!

  9. Please says:


  10. JD says:

    Congratulations! He is adorable, and his sisters look so proud!

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